Here's an interesting one. After painting Nellie's bilge from the bow to the engine room bulkhead, and while Nellie was still on the hard, 1/2 ounce of brown fluid magically appeared in the bilge. Funny, it hadn't rained, and the fluid was no where near any hoses. The fluid has no obvious odor. Wipe it up and the next day there's more in the same spot. I suspect water has found its way into the keel and is mixing with the iron ballast, explaining the rust color; changes of temperature force it up and through small cracks in the bilge's fiberglass.
Need to talk to Tommy Chen about the 3000 pounds of ballast he placed in an LNVT's keel: was it iron; the shape of the pigs; was anything poured around it to keep it from moving; etc. Does he think water could accumulate around the ballast, and if so, any ideas on how to drain the water?

The rust-filled fluid which seems to be entering via hairline cracks in Nellie's bilge.
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