Monday, February 11, 2019

Tug Spotting: Nelson's Victory 49VT06

This just in from Heidi Maitland, Victorious 37VT26:

We just returned from two weeks in Sebastian FL and saw Nelson's Victory in Micco, FL.  We didn't see it close up but I was able to get to the next dock/marina and zoom in for a photo.  The boat is visible from the bridge over the St. Sebastian River, Route 1.  It's pretty amazing seeing this boat as you cross the bridge, so large that it appears big even at a distance.  [An acquaintance of ours] had access to the boat at some point, I think he said from [previous owners] Joe or Penny Baggs, and was very impressed with "all the teak".



1 comment:

  1. If you look at Google Earth now, I think you can see Nelson's Victory underway and approaching the dock. Location is 27.853872°, -80.493495° and the image date is 2-2-20.

    BTW, I have found the GE history function to be useful in tidewaters or other waters with fluctuating levels. You can usually find an image with low water and you can see obstructions that are beneath the surface at higher levels.
