Saturday, May 18, 2019

Broken OEM 120V Electrical Outlet

Yesterday I noticed that the OEM Jimbo outlet, located under the saloon's middle, starboard side window was cracked.  After pulling off the wood faceplate all the broken pieces just fell out.

Apparently the 1987 electrical code didn't require the receptacle to be polarized--both upper apertures on the Jimbo ("Before" picture) are the same size.

It's nice that the shape of the outlets hasn't changed in 32 years and the wood faceplate fits the new outlet perfectly.  By the way, the teak faceplates were hand made by the Yard.

Dave Howell
Nellie D.  37VT63

Jack Robert Installs a New Throttle Cable

Today we changed the throttle cable.  Smoooooth.  I felt like a surgical nurse.  Big difference was the "surgeon" didn't throw any tools at me. 😉.  Next project, wiring for the bulge pumps.  Oh my.  

Lee Anderson
Jack Robert 37VT17