Tuesday, June 12, 2018

37' LNVT Bulwark thicknesses

Repairing the Caprail Trim Board

With the hawsepipe out and that caprail trim board removed I considered it a good time to grab my calipers and gather some data.

Measuring the Bulwark Thickness

[These numbers will help] if someone wants to use that caprail trim board for pad eyes to support fenders.

Hawsepipe and Bulwark Measurements

The tape on the left recorded the thickness of the hawsepipe insertion point.  The vertical center tape recorded those thicknesses where the inner bulwark is recessed.  The vertical tape on the left held the readings for the full thickness bulwark.

The hollow cavity behind the trim board is one inch deep.

There is little strength there and should one want to tap into the fiberglass it would provide the distance needed and with it should go a caution of not to go too deep as one will soon come out the inner edge of the bulwark.

That is the way Thistle Dew was set up and that is what lead to the breaks in that piece when fenders would get fouled around a piling, ladder, etc.

I intend to abandon that technique and go to a couple of fender clips. If they don't fall overboard and become completely lost, they should give me more flexibility in setting the fenders and also eliminate the possibility of another fracture.

Tom Blackwood
Thistle Dew, 37VT46

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