The following was excerpted from John Mackie's emails.
That's not where the transmission goes! |
20 July -- As you can see I've been busy in the hole. Changed oil in transmission for upcoming trip the Keys on Wed. Developed the telltale rattle of a bad vibration damper so I removed the gear the bell housing and damper. While I was at it I took off the turbo as it is seized Everything in my truck for delivery tomorrow. I got everything out myself but Susan insisted I get help to get it off the boat. Should go back in a little easier. Trip just postponed a few days. One thing they needed to do was make easier access to the gear.
27 July -- Got the transmission back on Fri. No real problem with it although one reverse clutch plate was replaced. I also installed new damper plate. Had one suspect spring assy that could have been causing rattle. All back inboat with new oil cooler, waiting on turbo. It was sent to Miami to have the housing built up and machined back to specs, new housing $1,000, repair $500. Should have that back on Tues or Wed with hopes of leaving for Keys by next weekend, weather permitting.
28 July -- Cleaning up the mess today. Going to be hottest day so far with feel like temp of 106. Don't think I'll start a varnishing project. Tranny is tight but if planned out not too bad. Took me about 4 hours to get it out to aft door and that was by myself. Two people should cut that in half. Went back in easier, I had help getting it on the guide studs and getting the bolts started, about 25 minutes from garage to engine.
30 July -- Picked the turbo up today. The price of gold went up along with the jewlers hourly rate. $750 to repair housing. Over $1000 for new one. Total was $1325. New turbo must be priceless.
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