Thursday, September 17, 2015

Float Plan (Tuggers Vol. 65)

Tom Blackwood, Thistle Dew 37VT46
Got a float plan?  We hope the answer is yes.  What is a float plan?  It is planned itinerary of where you expect to be and when you expect to be there.  Moreover, it's a good idea to include the names of those that may be traveling with you.  And your boat?  Sure you know how to describe your boat, but does the friend, relative or neighbor with whom you are going to leave this plan know how best to describe your tug.   First, let them know, it is NOT a Nordic Tug.  All the standard stuff of type, length, hull and top side color, registration or documentation number plus that MSC number.  Make it easy, should you not show up, for you to be found or described.  
Some of us have programs that "drop bread crumbs" along our actual courses that are plotted on a computer chart your designee can follow.  Others say we'll call and check in at certain points, and another way may be passing waypoints or points of interest along with speed made good by using text messaging.  These can make it fun for your designee to "ride along" and be a viable safety check should it be needed.  Give it some thought, make it a habit and keep chugging up the waters.

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